We all know that humans need water to survive and thrive. What many of us tend to forget is that consuming contaminated water can be extremely dangerous. It can lead to the development of diseases like cholera and dysentery.
You may also expose yourself to lead, which will cause cardiovascular diseases like blood pressure and hypertension. Your water may also contain copper. This element isn’t dangerous in small amounts, but large amounts can lead to liver damage and kidney disease. Given that contaminated water can be extremely dangerous, it is essential to take steps to guarantee the purity of your drinking water. Go through this guide to learn how you can ensure that your water is safe to drink.
Use a Water Testing Kit
Water contaminants aren’t always visible to the naked eye, and this is why you may need to use a water test kit. This can especially be useful for people living in older houses or places where the pipes haven’t been replaced for a long time. One contaminant you should test for is lead. This usually comes from lead pipes, faucets, and plumbing fixtures. Some pipes leading to your home may also contain lead, and this contaminant can seep into your water. Another contaminant you should test for is copper. This element also gets into drinking water through the plumbing, and it can especially be dangerous to infants and people with Wilson’s disease. If you live near industries that use or produce nickel, you should also consider testing for nickel in your drinking water.
Get a Water Filter System
Water filtration is meant to remove contaminants like chlorine and heavy metals like arsenic. These systems are also able to retain useful minerals like calcium, fluoride, and zinc. Water filtration systems come in many different forms. One common type is the under-sink water filter, which is placed beneath the kitchen sink. You can also get a faucet water filter. This system is meant to eliminate contaminants from the water before it gushes out of the faucet. Another common type is the water filter jug. This is known for being portable and cost-effective. Other types of water filter systems are the showerhead filter and countertop water filter.
Boil Your Water
In an emergency like an earthquake or flood, it would be wise to boil your water. This way, you can be certain that all pathogens will be eliminated from the water. Normally, you can bring the water to a rolling boil for a minute and let it cool down. If you are at an elevation above 6500 feet, you should boil the water for at least 3 minutes. Once the water cools down, you should make sure you store it in clean, sanitized containers.
Taking contaminated water can lead to serious illnesses. To prevent this, you should take steps to ensure that your water is safe to drink. You can use a water testing kit, get a water filter system, or boil your water. You should note that taking contaminated water can lead to serious illnesses.