Fauji Calling is an upcoming Bollywood patriotic drama film which is directed and written by Arayaan Saxena. The movie is produced by Ovez Shaikh, Naida Ovez Shaikh, Vikram Singh, Anil Jain, Vijet Verma under the production of Running Horse Film, Causeway Media Network PVT. LTD, Ovez Productions.

The music of this movie is scored by Vijay Verma, Harpreet Singh, Sajjad Ali while Editing is done by Pravin Angre. Fauji Calling movie is featured by Sharman Joshi, Ranjha Vikram Singh, Bidita Bag, Zarina Wahab, Shishir Sharma, Mahi Soni are in prominent role. The film will be released in the Hindi Language.

According to the report, the movie is made on the life of a soldier when a soldier gives his life during an attack. His family struggles a lot after that attack and they have to face a lot of problems.

The film is set to be released on 11 March 2021. Here we will talk about Fauji Calling movie cast & crew, star cast, movie details, release date, and much more about the movie.

Fauji Calling Movie Cast & Crew

Director- Aaryaan Saxena

Producer-  Ovez Shaikh, Naida Ovez Shaikh, Vikram Singh, Anil Jain, Vijet Verma

Writer-  Aaryaan Saxena

Star Cast- Sharman Joshi, Vikram Singh, Bidita Bag, Zarina Wahab, Shishir Sharma, Mahi Soni, Mugdha Godse

Genre- Patriotic Drama


Music- Vijay Verma, Harpreet Singh, Sajjad Ali

Edit- Pravin Angre


Acton Director-

Executive Producer-



Costume Designer-

Publicity Pro-

Background Music-

Production Company- Running Horse Films, Ovej Productions

Release Date- 11 March 2021


Ott Platform-

Language- Hindi

Shooting Location- India


Fauji Calling Movie Story

Fauji Calling Movie is about a patriotic drama story film. According to the makers, the film is made on the life of a soldier when a soldier gives his life during an attack. His family struggles a lot after that attack and they have to face a lot of problems.

Fauji Calling Movie Teaser

Fauji Calling Movie Trailer

 Fauji Calling Movie Poster

fauji calling poster

fauji calling poster

fauji calling movie poster fauji calling movie box office collection

Fauji Calling Movie Release Date

Fauji Calling Movie is set to be released on 11 March 2021.

Fauji Calling Movie Box Office Collection

Fauji Calling Movie Hit or Flop