Roohi is an upcoming bollywood horror comedy movie 2021, directed by Hardik Mehta. The movie is produced by Dinesh Vijan and Mrighdeep Singh Lamba under the banner of Maddock Films. Roohi 2021 movie is written by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba, Gautam Mehra. The film is Edit by  Devendra Murdeshwar while cinematography is done by Amalendu Chaudhry.

The film stars Rajkumar Rao, Janvi Kapoor, Varun Sharma in the prominent role while Alexx O’Nell, Pankaj Tripathi, Seema Pahwa, Ronit Roy, Aamna Shariff in special character. The film will be released in the Hindi language.

The movie has a ghost story that kidnaps the bride on her honeymoon. Rajkumar Rao is playing the role of Hero and Janvi Kapoor paly the lead lady. The film was set to be released in November 2020 but was postponed due to Corona Now this film is going to be released on 11 March 2021.

Here we shared all about b cast & crew, movie details, star cast, release date, and much more about the movie.

Roohi Movie Cast & Crew

Director- Hardik Mehta

Producer- Dinesh Vijan, Mrighdeep Singh Lamba

Writer-  Mrighdeep Singh Lamba, Gautam Mehra

Star Cast- Rajkumar Rao, Janvi Kapoor, Varun Sharma, Alexx O’nell, Pankaj Tripathi, Seema Pahwa, Ronit Roy, Aamna Shariff

Genre- Horror Comedy Drama


Music- Ketan Sodha, Sachin-Jigar



Cinematography- Amalendu Chaudhry

Production Company- Maddock Films

Release Date- 11 March 2021


Ott Platform-

Language- Hindi

Shooting Location- India


Roohi Movie Story

Roohi 2021 movie is  Horror Comedy-drama. According to the makers, The film is about a singing ghost who puts the groom to sleep so that he can go to his bride.

Roohi Movie Teaser

Roohi Movie Trailer

Roohi Movie Poster

roohi movie poster

roohi movie poster

Roohi Movie Release Date

Roohi movie will release on 11 March 2021 in theater. According to the media report the movie will release in 1500+ screen across India.

Roohi Movie Box Office Collection

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