CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021 | CCRAS Group C hall ticket, exam pattern, syllabus Candidates can download CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021 for written test to be held on 11th April 2021. The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of Ayush has issued CCRAS Group C Hall Ticket 2021.Applicants who applied for the posts of LDC and UDC can check the CCRAS LDC Exam Date and other important instructions here.
The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India has issued CCRAS Recruitment 2021 Notification. According to Advertisment NO: 2-4/2018 published in 2019,there are 66 posts for LDC and UDC to be filled on direct recruitment basis. The last date to apply for the posts was 19th December 2019. Candidates who applied successfully for the positions need to adhere to this update and download CCRAS LDC Hall Ticket.
The selection process for CCRAS LDC UDC Recruitment consists of a written examination and typing test (LDC only). The government authority has scheduled CCRAS LDC UDC Exam Date for 11-04-2021 (Sunday). This OMR-based test will be held at Delhi, Aurangabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Lucknow, and Chandigarh. Candidates can download CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021 from the link given in the description below.
News Type
CCRAS LDC UDC Hall Ticket 2021
Name of Organization
Central Council for research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India
Exam Conducting Body
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, New Delhi
Name of Posts
Lower Division Clerk, and Upper Division Clerk
Total vacancies
66 (50-LDC and 16-UDC)
Selection Process
Written Exam (for both the posts) and Typing Test (LDC Only)
CCRAS Group C Hall Ticket 2021- Important Instructions
The all–India selection test will be organized at seven different exam cities namely Delhi, Aurangabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Guwahati, Lucknow, and Chandigarh. Examinees are instructed to follow the COVID guidelines and carry their CCRAS Group C Hall Ticket 2021 to appear in the exam.
Important Notes – The examination for the post of LDC will be held in two shifts and UDC will be held in one shift.
Date of Examination: 11th April, 2021 (Sunday)
LDC (9:30 am-11:00 am)
LDC (12:30 pm-2:00 pm)
UDC (4:00 pm-6:00 pm)
Candidates are required to report for the exam 1 hour, 15 minutes before the test.
Ensure to bring the print-out of CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021 along with the filled in the format of Self-Declaration (Undertaking) to the Exam centre, failing which candidate will not be allowed entry in the examination centre.
Candidates must carry their original Government issued Photo Identity proof, failing which the candidates will not be allowed to appear in the examination. The valid photo Identity proofs are Voter ID card, Passport, PAN card, DL, Aadhaar card, Bank Passbook with Photo or any other Govt. issued ID Card.
Only a Blue/Black ballpoint pen is allowed for the examination.
Prohibited items such as Mobile Phone, Bluetooth Device, Ear Buds Or Any Electronic Gadgets/Equipment, digital/smartwatch, Bag, Handbag, Papers, Notes, Books, Calculator, Correction Marker/White Fluid, Non- Transparent Water Bottle, etc. are not allowed inside the examination Centre.
Candidates are advised to visit regularly for any update on the subject matter.
Details Printed on CCRAS Group C Hall Ticket 2021
Roll Number
Application No.
Candidate Name
Father’s Name
Date of Birth
Identity Details
Centre Code
Exam Centre Address
Date of Examination
Exam Duration
Reporting Time
Start Time
CCRAS Exam Pattern
The written exam will be written Objective type and will be held on OMR-based answer sheet.
The questions will be set both in English and Hindi for Part-I, III, and IV.
The question paper will be based on General Awareness, English Language, Numerical Ability, and General Intelligence.
There will be .25 negative marking for each wrong answer. If the question is left blank, i.e., no answer is marked, there will be no negative marking for that question.
CCRAS LDC Exam Pattern 2021
Sr. No.
Name of Test
No. of Question/ Maximum Marks
Total Time
General Intelligence
90 Minutes (120 Minutes for Visually Handicapped Person)
English Language (Basic Knowledge)
Numerical Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic’s Skill)
General Awareness
90 / 120 Minutes
Typing Test for CCRAS LDC Recruitment
Typing test will be conducted on Computer.
A typing speed of 35 WPM in English or 30 WPM in Hindi is required for qualifying.
Time allowed is 10 minutes except for the VH candidates which is 30 minutes.
Candidates who opt to take the Typing Test in Hindi will be required to learn English Typewriting and vice-versa after their appointment.
Note: 35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500 and 9000 key depression per hour on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.
CCRAS LDC Syllabus 2021- (12th Level)
Section I: General Intelligence
Abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship
Analytical functions
Arithmetical computation
Arithmetical Number Series
Decision making
Discriminating observation
Non-verbal series etc.
Problem Solving
Relationship concepts
Similarities and differences
Space Visualization
Verbal and figure classification
Visual memory
Section-II: English Language
Writing Ability
Understanding of English Language
Sentence structure
Section-III: Numerical Aptitude
Number Systems
Computation of Whole Numbers
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
Ratio and Proportion
Profit and Loss
Use of Tables and Graphs
Time and Distance
Ratio and Time
Time and Work
Section IV: General Awareness
Current Events
General Science
India and its neighbouring countries
Economic Scene
General Polity including Indian Constitution and scientific research.
CCRAS UDC Written Exam Pattern
Sr. No.
Name of Test
No. of Question/ Maximum Marks
Total Time
General Intelligence
120 Minutes (160 Minutes for Visually Handicapped Person)
English Language
Numerical Aptitude
General Awareness
120 / 160 Minutes
CCRAS UDC Syllabus 2021 – (Graduate Level)
Section-I: General Intelligence & Reasoning
Arithmetic number series
Arithmetical reasoning & figural classification
Classification of centre codes/roll numbers
Coding and decoding
Critical thinking
Date and city matching,
Decision making
Decoding and classification
Discriminating observation
Drawing inferences
Embedded figures
Emotional intelligence
Figural analogy
Figural pattern-folding classification
Figural series
Non-verbal series
Number series
Numerical operations
Problem solving
Punched hole/patter-folding & unfolding
Relationship concepts
Semantic analogy
Semantic classification
Similarities and differences
Small and capital letters/numbers coding
Space orientation
Space Visualization
Spatial Orientation
Statement conclusion
Syllogistic reasoning,
Symbolic operations
Symbolic/number analogy
Symbolic/number classification
Venn diagrams
Visual memory
Word building
Social intelligence and other topics.
Section–II: English Language
Understanding of English Language
Sentence structure
Writing ability
Section III- Numerical Aptitude
Number Systems
Computation of Whole Numbers
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
Ratio and Proportion
Averages Interest
Profit & Loss
Use of Tables and Graphs
Time and Distance
Ratio and Time
Time and Work
Section-IV: General Awareness
Current Events
General Science
India and its neighbouring countries
Economic Scene
General Polity including Indian Constitution and scientific research
How to Download CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021
Applied candidates must visit the official web portals which are, and
Follow the recently updates notification related to CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021.
Reach the Login page and enter your Application Number and Date of Birth.
Press the Download Admit Card button and obtain a copy of Hall Ticket.
Make several copies of your ticket for future purpose.
When the CCRAS LDC / UDC Admit Card 2021 will publish?
The official authority has been published CCRAS LDC / UDC Admit card 2021. You can download the admit card from official website.
Where can I check CCRAS LDC / UDC Admit Card 2021?
Candidates can check and download there CCRAS LDC / UDC Admit card 2021 through official download link.
How to Download CCRAS LDC / UDC Admit Card 2021?
Log on to and Follow the recently updates notification related to CCRAS LDC UDC Admit Card 2021. Reach the Login page and enter your Application Number and Date of Birth. Press the Download Admit Card button and obtain a copy of Hall Ticket. Make several copies of your ticket for future purpose
What is the official website link to download CCRAS LDC / UDC Admit Card 2021?
Candidates can download there admit card from when available.
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