Chaalbaaz In London is an upcoming Bollywood Drama directed by Pankaj Parashar. The movie produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ahmed Khan, Shaira Khan under the production of  T-Series Super Cassettes Industries Ltd and Paperdoll Entertainment. The film star Shraddha Kapoor in the lead role. The Chaalbaaaz In London will be released in the Hindi Language.

According to the report, Shraddha Kapoor will be seen in a double role for the first time in the film Chaalbaaz in London. As per media report, This film is not a remake of 1989 Chaalbaaz. Director Pankaj Parashar directed the film Chaalbaaz in 1989, in which the great superstar actress Sridevi played the lead role.

Chalbaaz in London movie has also been directed by Pankaj Parashar. Shraddha Kapoor will play the lead role in this film. Chaalbaaz in London movie is set to be released in 2022. So here we will talk about  Chaalbaaz In London 2022 cast & crew, movie details, star cast, release date, and much more about the movie

Chaalbaaz in london Cast

Chaalbaaz In London Cast & Crew

Director- Pankaj Parashar

Producer- Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ahmed Khan, Shaira Khan


Star Cast- Shraddha Kapoor

Genre- Drama



Distributed by-




Acton Director-


Executive Producer-



Costume Designer-

Publicity Pro-

Background Music-

Production Company- T-Series Super Cassettes Industries Ltd and Paperdoll Entertainment

Release Date- 2022


Ott Platform-

Language- Hindi

Shooting Location- India


Chaalbaaz In London Movie Story

Chaalbaaz In London 2022 is a Bollywood drama movie. Shraddha Kapoor will be seen as the character of the lead lady. This film is a remake of 1989 Chaalbaaz.

Chaalbaaz In London Movie Teaser

Chaalbaaz In London Movie Trailer

Chaalbaaz In London Movie PosterChaalbaaz in london movie poster

Chaalbaaz In London Movie Release Date

Chaalbaaz In London Movie Box Office Collection

Chaalbaaz in London, Chaalbaaz in London cast, Chaalbaaz in London release date, Chaalbaaz in London male actor, Chaalbaaz in London actors