Helmet is an upcoming 2021 Bollywood sex comedy movie which is directed by Satram Ramani. The movie is produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Dino Morea. The film stars Aparshakti Khurana, Pranutan Bahl, Abhishek Banerjee and Ashish Verma in the lead roles. The movie is set to be release on 3 September2021 on Zee 5. So, here we will talk about ‘Helmet’ movie star cast & crew, movie details, and much more about the movie.

Helmet Movie Poster

helmet movie first look poster

Helmet Movie Cast and Crew

Director: Satram Ramani

Producer: Dino Morea

Writer: Rohan Shankar

Star Cast: Aparshakti Khurana, Pranutan Bahl, Abhishek Banerjee and Ashish Verma

Production Company: Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Dino Morea

Release Date: 3 September 2021

Helmet Movie Story

The movie is a sex comedy film. It is a quirky comedy from the heartland of India, it touches upon a topic is considered embarrassing for most people in India and will showcase the same in a hilariously entertaining manner.

Helmet Movie Teaser

Helmet Movie Release Date

The movie Helmet is scheduled for released in 2021.

Helmet Movie Trailer

Helmet Movie Box Office Collection

Helmet movie 1st Day Collection

Helmet movie 2nd Day Collection

Helmet movie 3rd Day Collection

Helmet movie 4th Day Collection