Pagglait is an upcoming Bollywood comedy drama film directed and written by Umesh Bist. The movie is produced by Sobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, Guneet Monga, Achin Jain under the production of  Balaji Motion Pictures, Sikhya Entertainment. The movie is edited by Prerna Saigal while Cinematography is done by  Rafey Mahmood.

Pagglait movie is distributed by Netflix. The film stars Sanya Malhotra, Shruti Sharma, Sayani Gupta, Ashutosh Rana, Raghubir Yadav in the prominent role while Sheeba Chaddha, Natasha Rastogi, and Nakul Roshan Sahdev are supporting role.  The film will be released in the Hindi Language.

Pagglait movie is based on Comedy Drama, The film is about the story of a young girl when she has to confront the emerging questions about the love between her purpose and identity in the new modern small town of India. The film is set to be released in 2021.

Here we will talk about Pagglait 2021cast&crew, movie details, star cast, release date, and much more about the movie.

Pagglait Movie Cast & Crew

Director- Umesh Bist

Producer- Shobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, Guneet Kapoor, Achin Jain

Writer- Umesh Bist

Star Cast- Sanya Malhotra, Shruti Sharma, Sayani Gupta, Ashutosh Rana, Raghubir Yadav, Sheeba Chaddha, Natasha Rastogi, Nakul Roshan Sahdev

Genre- Comedy  Drama



Edit- Prerna Saigal


Acton Director-

Executive Producer-

Cinematography- Rafey Mahmood


Costume Designer-

Publicity Pro-

Background Music-

Distributed by- Netflix

Production Company- Balaji Motion Pictures, Sikhya Entertainment

Release Date- 2021


Ott Platform-

Language- Hindi

Shooting Location- India


Pagglait Movie latest News

Pagglait Movie Story

Pagglait is a Comedy-Drama film. Actress Malhotra shared the picture on Social Media, Where Sanya Malhotra is seen holding the clapboard.

Pagglait Movie Teaser

Pagglait Movie Trailer

Pagglait Movie Posterpagglait movie poster

Pagglait Movie Release Date

Pagglait Movie Box Office Collection

Pagglait Movie Hit or Flop