RSMSSB Fireman and Assistant Fire Officer Recruitment 2021 – Check the latest notification for RSMSSB Fireman and Asst. Fire Officer Recruitment 2021 apply online. Eligible candidates can check the details regarding RSMSSB Recruitment 2021 and vacancy details.

The State government has released an official notification about Fireman and Assistant Fire Officer Posts. Candidates interested in Rajasthan 629 Fireman Vacancies can apply from 18/08/2021. The last date to apply online for RSMSSB Fireman Recruitment 2021 is 16/09/2021.

राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड, जयपुर ने विज्ञापन सं. 02/2021 के अंतर्गत सहायक अग्निशमन अधिकारी एवं फायरमैन भर्ती परीक्षा 2021 स्वायत्त शासन विभाग राजस्थान के लिये राजस्थान नगरपालिका ( अधीनस्थ एवं मंत्रालयिक ) सेवा नियम -1963 यथा संशोधित तथा राजस्थान अनुसूचित क्षेत्र अधीनस्थ, मंत्रालयिक एवं चतुर्थ श्रेणी सेवा ( भर्ती एवं सेवा की अन्य शर्त ) नियम, 2014 के अन्तर्गत सहायक अग्निशमन अधिकारी एवं फायरमैन पदों पर भर्ती हेतु निर्धारित प्रपत्र में ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित कर रहा है.

राजस्थान सहायक अग्निशमन अधिकारी एवं फायरमैन के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन 18 अगस्त 2021 से शुरू होगा जिसकी आखरी तारीख 16 सितम्बर 2021 है. अभियार्थी, जो इस आवेदन को अप्लाई करने के योग्य और इच्छुक है  आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर आवेदन कर सकते हैं. RSMSSB Fireman and Asst Fire Officer Recruitment 2021

About RSMSSB Fireman Vacancies

Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board has issued an advertisement about 629 vacancies. The seats available are for Fireman and Assistant Fire Officer posts. Candidates can check information about eligibility criteria, and application conditions, and instruction required for RSMSSB vacancies.

RSMSSB Fireman and Assistant Fire Officer Recruitment 2021

The online application process for RSMSSB Fireman and Asst Fire Officer Recruitment 2021 shall begin from 18/08/2021. Aspirants can apply for the posts till the closing date, 16th September 2021. Those who are willing to apply for Fireman and AFO posts must go through the details in order to apply timely.

Update Type RSMSSB Fireman and Asst Fire Officer Recruitment 2021
Name of Organization Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board
Name of Posts Fireman and Assistant Fire Operator
Total Seats 629
Application Mode Online only
Application Start Date 18 /08/2021 Wednesday
Application Closing Date   16/09/2021 (Thursday) up to 23:59
Official Website


RSMSSB Recruitment 2021- Vacancy Details

Aspirants are suggested to go through RSMSSB vacancy details thoroughly and apply for the available seats. The category-wise seats for fireman and Assistant Fire Officer are mentioned in the table below.

Name of the Post Area Category Total
Assistant Fire Officer TSP 02 00 00 00 00 00 02
Non-TSP 12 05 04 03 01 02 27
Fireman TSP 11 00 00 07 00 00 19
Non-TSP 211 122 92 69 29 58 581
Total 236 127 96 79 30 60 629


Eligibility Criteria

  • Assistant Fire Officer (TSP & Non TSP): Degree from any stream from a recognized University or institution.
  • Fireman: 12th / Senior Secondary from a recognized State/Central education board along with 6-month fireman training.

Age Limit

  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Maximum Age: 40 years

Relaxation: The upper age relaxation is as per the state government rules.

Application Fees

  • GEN/ OBC Creamy Layer: Rs. 450/-.
  • BC/ OBC Non Creamy Layer: Rs. 350/-.
  • SC/ ST Candidates: Rs. 250/-.
  • Correction Charge: Rs. 300/-.

Payment Mode: Application fees can be paid through Credit Card/Debit Card/online banking.

Selection Process

Written Examination and Physical Efficiency Test.

Physical Standard

  • Male: 165 cm (Height), 50 kg (Weight), 81 cm (Chest Normal), 86 cm (Chest (with Expansion)
  • Female: 152 cm (Height), 47.5 kg (Weight)
  • ST Category (Male): 160 cm (Height), 50 kg (Weight), 76 cm (Chest Normal), 81 cm (Chest (with Expansion)

Salary Scale

Applicants are required to read the detailed RSMSSB Recruitment Notification to know about salary details.

How to Apply for RSMSSB Fireman and Asst. Fire Officer Recruitment 2021

  • Aspirants must log on to the official government portal of RSMSSB namely,
  • Refer to the latest advertisement section on the homepage of the website and download the detailed notification.
  • Read the recruitment information carefully and apply for RSMSSB 629 Vacancies through Single Sign On
  • Provide your academic, personal, and professional information while filling the application form.
  • Pay the application fees as per your category and upload your documents such as a recent passport-sized photograph and signature.
  • Verify your entered details and submit your application finally.
  • Take a hard copy of this application form and keep it secure for future references.

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