There are lots of situations in which you may need to transfer large files over the internet. You may need to send a work-related file to a colleague, transfer a new game to a friend, or share a folder of photos and videos from your latest trip with the members of your family. In fact, with over 5 million people working remotely in 2020 in the US alone, the need for exchanging information online will only keep growing.

There are lots of services and applications that let you send and receive files over the internet — however, the majority of them require a paid long-term subscription, especially when it comes to sending particularly large files. Plus, some apps limit the size of what you can transfer, which means that you will need to either zip your file or folder or split it into several parts.

Luckily, there is now a different way to go about it. You can use a service called FileWhopper, which makes things significantly easier. Here’s why.

Here’s How FileWhopper Works

If you need to transfer a large file or folder over the internet, you simply head to FileWhopper’s website and follow the instructions there. Basically, you will need to do the following:

  • Browse for the file or folder that you want to transfer and select it.
  • It will take FileWhopper a few seconds to evaluate the item’s size and calculate your potential fee.
  • You will then receive a quote for your transfer and will be given two options on how to pay: you can do it yourself or ask the recipient of the file or folder to make the payment. All payments are safe and secure, and you won’t need to register your card for recurring payments. This is a nice feature to have onboard — especially if you are a freelancer and prefer to have your clients pay for file transfers.
  • You will then need to download FileWhopper’s small app, which is designed to make the transfer process quicker and easier.
  • At this point, you will receive a personal link to the file or folder you have just uploaded — you will need to share it with the intended recipient. Note that the file or folder you upload will remain on FileWhopper’s servers for up to 14 days and will be deleted once it’s been downloaded by the recipient.
  • At the final stage, your file is encrypted with a secure password and sent to its destination. Alternatively, you will be given the option to create a password yourself if you believe this to be better. You should share the password with the recipient.
  • The person to whom you’ve sent the link and password can start downloading the file or folder immediately — there is no need to wait for the upload to be complete on your side.

And that’s pretty much it. The tiny app you’ve downloaded to upload the file or folder will auto-delete once the upload is finished, and you will be welcome to use FileWhopper again when you need to transfer a file or folder.

Why Use FileWhopper?

While there is definitely more than one way to send data over the internet, there are several features that make FileWhopper a more convenient option than most similar services:

  • First, there is no limit on the size of the file or folder that you can send — so you won’t have to bother with archiving your files to make them smaller or splitting the transfer into several parts. You can send your file or folder as it is without worrying about the size.
  • Second, you won’t have to commit to a monthly subscription. While a lot of file sharing, data storage, and file transfer platforms require you to sign up for a monthly (or longer) subscription to get full access to all their features, FileWhopper makes things much easier by simply asking you to pay for what you send. Once the size of your file or folder is evaluated, you get a quote for how much the transfer will cost. Then, you or the recipient of your data should make a one-time payment (without signing up for recurring payments).
  • Third, the recipient can start downloading the file or folder while it’s still being uploaded. This makes the whole transfer process much faster, and both parties involved in the transfer get to save lots of time.
  • Fourth, your transfer is protected against connection breaks like Internet problems, blackouts, computer issues, etc. Should any of these happen, the transfer will simply be paused and resumed from the exact spot where it was stopped once things go back to normal.
  • Fifth, there are lots of extra features onboard — for instance, if you pay a bit extra, you will be able to send your file/folder to multiple recipients (up to 6) at the same time.
  • Sixth, FileWhopper is really easy to use and you need zero specialized knowledge to send or receive files. You will be guided through each step of the process, and FileWhopper’s self-deleting tiny transfer tool won’t cause any storage or resource consumption issues on your PC.
  • Finally, if you are not sure whether FileWhopper is the right fit, you get to try the service for free and make a transfer of up to 5GB.

Summing Things Up

The need for exchanging data online is constantly increasing. According to a recent forecast published on, at least 25-30% of the workforce currently working from home due to the COVID pandemic will continue to do so (on a multiple-days-a-week basis) even by the end of 2021. With more and more of us working online, services like FileWhopper are sure to become integral parts of our online toolkits.