Captain India is an upcoming 2022 Bollywood action drama film which is directed by Hansal Mehta. The film is being produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Harman Baweja under the banner of RSVP and Baweja Stuidos. The film star Kartik Aaryan in lead roles. The film is set to be released on 2022. So, here we will talk about ‘Captain India’ movie star cast & crew, movie details, and much more about the film.

Captain India Movie Poster

captain india movie poster

Captain India Movie Cast and Crew

Director: Hansal Mehta

Producer: Ronnie Screwvala, Harman Baweja

Star Cast: Kartik Aaryan

Genre: Action-Drama

Production Company: RSVP and Baweja Studios

Release Date: 2022

Captain India Movie Story

Kartik Aaryan will be seen as a pilot in this film. The story of the film is said to be inspired by real events. According to the report, the story is based on India’s biggest and most successful rescue mission from a war-torn country. The savior in this mission is the pilot of the airplane.

Captain India Movie Release Date

The film is scheduled for release theatrically on 2022.

Captain India Movie Box Office Collection

Coming Soon…