Hawayein (The Winds) is an upcoming 2020 Bollywood drama, road film which is written and directed by Yogesh Vats. The movie is produced by Dr. Jogender Singh. The film stars Bhavesh Kumar, Ester Noronha, Parikshit Sahni, Sheeba Akashdeep, and Kiran Kumar in the lead roles. The movie is based on a journey of Bhavesh Kumar, a solo traveler. The movie is set to be released on 1 May 2020. So, here we will talk about ‘Hawayein’ movie star cast & crew, movie details, and much more about the movie.

Hawayein Movie Poster

hawayein movie poster

Hawayein Movie Cast and Crew

Director: Yogesh Vats

Producer: Jogender Singh

Story by: Yogesh Vats

Star Cast: Bhavesh Kumar, Ester Noronha, Parikshit Sahni, Sheeba Akashdeep, Kiran Kumar

Music: Ripul Sharma, Sharat Sinha, Deepak Agrawal, Nilotpal Bora (Score)

Cinematography: Sachin Yaduvanshi

Production Company: Ok Movies Production

Release Date: 1 May 2020

Hawayein Movie Story

The story of the film is a journey of Bhavesh Kumar, solo traveler, on a journey from Himalayan highlands to the backwaters of Kerala. Ester Noronha also joins Bhavesh Kumar in his journey and they fall in love.

Hawayein Movie Release Date

The movie is scheduled for released on 1 May 2020.

Hawayein Movie Trailer

Coming Soon…

Hawayein Movie Box Office Collection

Coming Soon…