Khaali Peeli is an upcoming 2020 Bollywood drama action thriller movie which is directed by Maqbool Khan. The movie is produced by Ali Abbas Zafar and Himanshu Kishan Mehra under the banner of Zee Studios and AAZ Films. The film stars Ishaan Khatter and Ananya Panday in the lead roles. The movie will show the ups and downs in life after the meeting of a girl and boy one night. The movie was set to be released on 12 June 2020, but the film was put on hold due to COVID-19 pandemic. The movie will be having an OTT release through ZEE5. So, here we will talk about ‘Khaali Peeli’ movie star cast & crew, movie details, and much more about the movie.

Khaali Peeli Movie Poster

khaali peeli movie poster

Khaali Peeli Movie Cast and Crew

Director: Maqbool Khan

Producer: Ali Abbas Zafar, Himanshu Mehra

Writer: Yash-Seema

Story by: Maqbool Khan

Star Cast: Ishaan Khatter, Ananya Panday

Music: Vishal-Shekhar

Cinematography: Adil Afsar

Production Company: Zee Studios, AAZ Films, Offside Entertainment

Release Date: Update Soon

Khaali Peeli Movie Story

The story of the movie will show the ups and downs in life after the meeting of a girl and boy one night. Let me tell you that in the movie Khaali Peeli, Ananya Panday is going to play the role of a Tapori girl.

Khaali Peeli Movie Release Date

The movie Khaali Peeli will be scheduled to be released having OTT through ZEE5.

Khaali Peeli Movie Trailer

Khaali Peeli Movie Box Office Collection

Coming Soon…