Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd ONGC Apprentice result 2020 ONGC cut off marks ONGC merit list of 4192 apprentice posts
ONGC Apprentice result 2020:- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) has been officially declared the ONGC Apprentice Result 2020. Candidates who had applied for 4192 Apprentice Posts can check the ONGC Apprentice Selection List 2020 on ONGC official website where result has been posted so that candidate can easily check their result whether they got selected or not.
Further, the officials announced the ONGC Apprentice Result 2020 on 7th September 2020. For the candidates here we will update a direct link to check result on the official site merit list and cut off marks of the result has been also updated. Stay on this page we will update you how to check and every details regarding your result and official links. So, check the below sections to know more details about the ONGC Apprentice Result 2020
ONGC Apprentice Result Details 2020Â
Name of Organization: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)
Name of Recruitment: ONGC Apprentice Recruitment 2020-2021
Advertisement No.: ONGC/APPR/1/2020
No. of Posts: 4192 Posts
Post Name: Trade and Technician Apprentice
Trades: Accountant, Assistant HR, Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA), Draughtsman, Electrician, Electronics Mechanic, Fitter, and other Trade posts
Qualification: ITI/Diploma/Bachelor’s Degree
Result date: 7th September 2020
Official Website: ongcindia.com
ONGC Apprentice Portal: ongcapprentices.ongc.co.in
 ONGC Apprentice Cut off marks| Merit list 2020
ONGC Apprentice Cut Off Marks for qualifying the exam. Candidates have to score the minimum marks so that have to be qualify the ONGC exam. The officials will declare the results based on the ONGC Apprentice Cut Off Marks 2020.Score may vary candidates to candidate. Candidates can check the ONGC Apprentice Cut Off Marks 2020 from the official site.
The officials will announce the ONGC Merit List 2020 on the official site. Candidates can check the Merit List 2020 and they will know the names of the applicants who had scored the best marks and got best merit by ONGC. And candidates in the ONGC Apprentice Merit List 2020 have some advantage during the next stage of the selection process for knowing the all details of cut off and merit list of ONGC candidates have to must visit on the official website of ONGC.
Steps to Check ONGC Apprentice Selection List 2020
- First, visit to the official site of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) @Â com.
- Then home page will appear on your screen, then candidates can find the Career section and click on it.
- Then, select the Results link.
- Now, applicants have to find the ONGC Apprentice Result 2020 link.
- After finding the link, press on it.
- Enter the login details where you have to enter your roll number or other details and hit on submit.
- Your ONGC Apprentice Selection List 2020 will be displayed on your screen.
- After checking result, take a hard copy of results for further use.
Important Links
Official Website – Click Here
ONGC Apprentice Result 2020 Link – Click Here