The Kashmir Files is an upcoming 2020 Bollywood thriller movie which is directed by Vivek Agnihotri. The movie is produced by Abhishek Agarwal and Vivek Agnihotri under the banner of SP CineCorp and Vivek Agnihotri Creates. The film star Anupam Kher in the lead role. The movie is set to be released on August 2020. So, here we will talk about ‘The Kashmir Files’ movie star cast & crew, movie details, and much more about the movie.
The Kashmir Files Movie Poster
The Kashmir Files Movie Cast and Crew
Director: Vivek Agnihotri
Producer: Abhishek Agarwal, Vivek Agnihotri
Star Cast: Anupam Kher
Production Company: SP CineCorp, Vivek Agnihotri Creates
Release Date: August 2020
The Kashmir Files Movie Story
The story of the movie is based on Kashmiri Pandit Refugees. Exodus of Hindu Kashmiri Pandits during the 1990s terror in the film, will be depicted in this film. This is the horrifying event to the world.
The Kashmir Files Movie Release Date
The movie is scheduled for released on August 2020.
The Kashmir Files Movie Trailer
Coming Soon…
The Kashmir Files Movie Box Office Collection
Coming Soon…