Indoo Ki Jawani is an upcoming 2020 Bollywood coming-of-age comedy movie which is directed by Abir Sengupta. The movie is produced by Bhushan Kumar and Nikkhil Advani under the banners of T-Series and Emmay Entertainment. The film stars Aditya Seal and Kiara Advani in the lead roles. The shooting of the movie has started. Shooting of the first schedule of the film has started in Lucknow. The story of the movie revolves around a girl and her misadventures with dating apps. The film is set to be released on 5 June 2020. So, here we will talk about ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ movie cast & crew, movie details, and much more about the movie.
Indoo Ki Jawani Movie Poster
Indoo Ki Jawani Movie Cast and Crew
Director: Abir Sengupta
Producer: Bhushan Kumar, Nikkhil Advani, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani
Writer: Abir Sengupta
Star Cast: Kiara Advani, Aditya Seal, Mallika Dua
Music: Tanishk Bagchi
Cinematography: A. Vasanth
Production Company: T-Series, Emmay Entertainment
Release Date: 5 June 2020
Indoo Ki Jawani Movie Story
Kiara Advani and Aditya Seal’s movie Indoo Ki Jawani is a romantic comedy, the entire story of this movie will be seen revolving around the character of Indoo. In the movie, Kiara Advani will be seen playing the role of Indoo, a Ghaziabad girl, behind whom a line of boys will be seen.
In the movie, Kiara Advani will be seen in the role of Ghaziabad girl Inddo Gupta who swipes left and right on the dating apps and then she starts making such mistakes after which the situations start being fun. This will be Kiara Advani’s first movie that focuses on women.
Indoo Ki Jawani Movie Release Date
The movie is scheduled to be released theatrically on 5 June 2020.
Indoo Ki Jawani Movie Box Office Collection
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