Koi Jaane Naa is an upcoming 2021 Bollywood Suspense Thriller Drama movie directed and written by Amin Hajee. The film is Lyricist by Amitabh Bhattacharya. The film produced by Amin Hajee and Bhushan Kumar under the banner of T-Series Super Cassettes Industries Ltd. Amin Hajee Film Company. Koi Jaane Naa movie of music is composed by Tanishk Bagchi while cinematography is done by Arun Prasad. The film stars Amyra Dastur, Kunal Kapoor, Elli AvrRam in the lead role. Koi Jaane Naa movie Choreographers are Bosco Martis and Caesar Gonsalves. The film will be released in the Hindi Language.

The film Koi Jaane Na 2021 is an upcoming psychological suspense thriller drama in which Rang De Basanti’s Kunal Kapoor and former model Amaira Dastur will be seen in the lead roles. According to a report, the film was scheduled to be released on March 26 on the OTT platform. But according to sources, it has been revealed that the film is scheduled for release on Friday 2 April. So here we will talk about Koi Jaane Naa movie cast&crew, movie details, star cast, and much more about the movie.

Koi Jaane Naa Cast & Crew

Director- Amin Hajee

Producer- Amin Hajee, Bhushan Kumar

Writer- Amin Hajee

Star Cast- Amyra Dastur, Kunal Kapoor, Elli AvrRam, Amir Khan(Item Number)

Genre- Suspense Thriller Drama

Lyricist- Amitabh Bhattacharya


Distributed by-

Music- Tanishk Bagchi



Acton Director-


Executive Producer-

Cinematography-  Arun Prasad

Choreographers- Bosco Martis, Caesar Gonsalves

Costume Designer-

Publicity Pro-

Background Music-

Production Company- T-Series Super Cassettes Industries Ltd. Amin Hajee Film Company

Release Date-  02 April 2021


Ott Platform-

Language- Hindi

Shooting Location- India


Koi Jaane Naa Movie Story

Koi Jaane Naa movie is based on a Suspense Thriller drama film. Kunal Kapoor and Amyra Dastur will be seen in the lead role.

Koi Jaane Naa Movie Teaser

Koi Jaane Naa Movie Trailer

Koi Jaane Naa Movie Posterkoi jaane naa movie poster

Koi Jaane Naa Movie Release Date

Koi Jaane Naa Movie Box Office Collection