Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open UniversityYCMOU Result 2021 BBA, BCA, MCA, MBA, MCOM, MA, B.ED, M.ED YCMOU 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th semester result. Maharashtra Open University result 2021. YCMOU BA, B.Com, B.Sc 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Result 2021
Check YCMOU Result 2021 for December exams held for UG PG courses. Students who appeared in their year-end exams for Part 1, 2, and 3 of their undergraduate and postgraduate programmes must check this update. The exams division of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University issues updates online. Follow the details presented here to Checkycmou.ac.in Exam Result2021 online.
Important Update on 15 July 2021– YCMOU has released various UG and PG result on its official website. students can check their result from below links.
YCMOU Exam Result 2021 | Maharashtra Open UniversityResult 2021 – Recent News
After administering YCMOU theory exams from October to December 2020, the examination division will issue YCMOU Exam Result 2021 in March-April. Numerous students register for admission to various degree programmes. They all have to attend their semester-wise papers for the First, Second, and Third Year of course. The year-end exams are held in December and May every year. For examinees attending their papers in December, can Check ycmou.ac.in Exam Result2021 here. Check Also – YCMOU Exam Time Table 2021
The examination system is also organised as semester-wise for each academic season for during which, the exams are carried out twice a year. These term-end exams are scheduled in December and May. The second cycle exams had taken place recently and the examinees are worried about their exams. Here is recent information to keep them, aware of the events that are going on.
YCMOU Result 2021 Check ycmou.ac.in BA, Bcom, BSc, MCom, Msc, MA, B.ed Exam Result 2021
Notification Type
YCMOUResult 2021
Name of University
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, Maharashtra
It’s important to keep checking YCMOU Open University Result 2021 status online. The exam division will not notify student through email, post, or telephonic method thus, the same must be checked upon regularly by students. YCMOU is famous across India and has a huge number of students enrolled in multiple degree & diploma programmes.
Departments and Divisions at YCMOU Open University
Departments Agricultural Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Commerce and Management
Continuing Education
Computer Science
Science and Technology
Health Science
Academic Services Division.
How to Check YCMOU Result 2021
Candidates need to visit “ycmou.ac.in”, or “ycmou.digitaluniversity.ac.”
After reaching the homepage, look for the Results section.
Follow the link and select the exam event.
Enter your PRN number and type the captcha code.
Press the search button and download YCMOU Open University Result 2021.
The marks/Grades and result information must not be treated as final or valid Statement of Marks.
Programme Result means Overall result of the entire Programme (e.g. BA, BCOM, BSC, BE, LLB, etc…). Program Result is displayed in Last semester Term / Part level result.
Part Result (OR Year-end Result) means the result status at the end of a particular year. (i.e. the First year or Second year or Third year – as applicable.)
Term Result (Semester-end Result) means the result status at the end of a particular semester. (i.e. FSBA-I/II/III or SSBA-I/II/III, FSBCOM-I/II/III or SSBCOM-I/II/III etc…).
In case of any query, please contact university authorities for further clarifications.
About Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University is the well-known institution headquartered in Nashik District, Maharashtra. YCMOU also ranks among the top five open universities in India. The varsity offers higher education to Indian and international students through distance learning with its regional Centres in 8 districts and study centers all over Maharashtra.
The best part of taking admission at YCMOU is that there is no age limit. Numerous candidates appear for UG/PG degree programmes such as BA, BBA, BCA, MBA, LLB, BCOM, BSC, and BE. The examination division under YCMOU issues important updates regarding Admit card, Timetable, and YCMOU Result timely. The relevant updates about exam event are also available at ycmou.digitaluniversity.ac.
Course Offered by YCM Open University
YCM Open University provides various under graduate, post graduate, diploma, certificate, language courses. Some faculties of YCM open university are listed below.
Under Graduate (UG) – BA, B.Com, B.Sc, BCA
Post Graduate (PG) – MA, M.Com, M.Sc, MBA, M.Ed
Certificate Programs – certificate in Faison Designing, certificate in beauty parlor, certificate in motor rewinding, IT, textile and water management etc
Diploma Courses – Diploma in hardware, Electrician, fashion designing and Saloon/ boutique and handcraft, printing and graphic etc.
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