Busy offices get dirty on a daily basis. Having so many people in one space means that there is more dirt and bacteria around. But, because you cannot see the germs, many places in the office can get neglected. Surface cleans happen, but there are bacteria and viruses that live on them. This can lead to more employees getting sick and illnesses spreading around the office. This is the last thing you want when you have important projects happening.
So, what can you do about this? Well, you need to improve hygiene and cleanliness in the workplace. Here are five neglected areas of the office and how you can get them spotless.
The Kitchen Appliances
If there is a kitchen that all employees use, this is often one of the first places to get cleaned. Employees can be good at cleaning up after themselves, including the dishes and wiping the surfaces. But there are some areas that they forget to clean. We are talking about the kitchen appliances themselves. There can be leftover food left in the microwave, as well as in the refrigerator, which can lead to bacteria lingering around.
Therefore, kitchen appliances should be wiped down just as regularly as other surfaces in that space. But, the problem is, a lot of employees do not have the time to do this. So, this is where it can be beneficial to hire professionals. Click on the link to see why you should hire a commercial cleaning expert for your business premises. This can be a good investment and ensure the kitchen is sanitized, as well as the appliances.
The Desk Areas
It might surprise you to hear that the desk areas in the office can be one of the dirtiest places. This is especially true if you encourage employees to look after their space and they appear organized. But, the problem is that employees often concentrate on the desk surface and that area alone. So, they clear up papers ad even wipe them down a few times a week. However, they forget some other key areas where germs can build up.
In particular, we are talking about office chairs and computers. These are areas that you touch every day yet rarely get sanitized. Think about the bacteria that can gather on a keyword or mouse that you are touching throughout the day. So, now that this has been brought to your attention, this area should be wiped down regularly. In particular, it should be sanitized to remove bacteria ad germs.
In the office, it is common for employees to share telephones. This can be done if you work in a certain department and there are going to be clients called on a regular basis. Many people are going to have access to the same telephones. Of course, when you think about it like this, you realize that this also means that you can share germs. It just takes one person to be sick, and they are able to spread bacteria through the telephone.
So, shared telephones must be sanitized in order to kill germs and stop them from spreading. The last thing you want is for everyone in a department to get sick at the same time. This can lead to falling behind with workloads and disappointing clients.
Window Blinds
How often are the blinds dusted in the office? The answer to this question is probably never. But, this is still an important place you want to clean. After all, if dust is left lying around, this can contribute to bad air quality. When you have your employees working many hours in the office each week, you want to make sure the air quality is good and the place is clean.
So, this is why you need to regularly dust the window blinds. This means cleaning the slats, as well as pulling up the blinds, and cleaning behind them. A lot of people are shocked at the color of the dust if they have never done this before. Indeed, these places are forgotten about, and this is why they get so dirty. You do not want this to happen, which means that it should be part of a cleaning routine.
Walls and Skirting Boards
Most offices do not clean areas that like their walls and skirting boards. In fact, you have probably not noticed how dirty they can get. Indeed, this makes it one of the most neglected areas in the office. People are going to be brushed past the walls every day, which can leave dirty marks. In addition, dust can gather on skirting boards, and if it is never cleaned, it will stay there. Together, this can create a dirty working environment, which can contribute to low morale and productivity.
You would be surprised at just how dirty the walls and skirting boards can get in the office. But, you want to make sure they are clean so that employees can work in a good environment. They deserve to have a cleaning space to do their jobs.