Due to Coronavirus in the country where the lockdown continues. At the same time, Bollywood’s Bhaijaan i.e. Salman Khan’s new song ‘Pyaar Karona’ has been released. This information was given by Salman Khan via Instagram post. Let me tell you that, Salman Khan is in isolation on his farmhouse during lockdown. In such a situation, actors often try to make fans aware through social media. But recently, Salman Khan has created a new song about Corona, which has been released.

salman khan song

Salman Khan shared a video of his song ‘Pyaar Karona’ on Instagram and wrote, “Emotionally paas rahona, physically duurr rahona, aisi hi is lockdown tak #PyaarKarona!” Let me tell you, Salman Khan has given his voice to this song. Fans are enjoying this new song of Salman Khan very much.

Salman Khan Upcoming Movies 2020-2021

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc in the country. The number of people infected with the Coronavirus in the country has increased to 18,601. According to the latest data released by the Health Ministry, 590 people have died so far in India due to Coronavirus while the number of infected cases has increased to 18,601. At the same time, in the last 24 hours, 1,336 new cases of corona have been reported and 47 people have died. However, there is some relief that 3,252 patients have been successful in defeating this disease.