Shero is an upcoming Tollywood Psychological Thriller Drama movie which is directed and written by Sreejith Vijayan. The film produced by Ansari and Ravi Khan under the production of IKIGAI Motion Pictures.The film star Sunny Leone in the prominent role. The movie will be released in Tamil, Hindi, Malayam, and Telugu Languages.

Actress Sunny Leone recently came to Kerala to start the film, in this movie Sunny Leone will be seen in the lead role of a South Indian woman. Sources know that the film will be released in all southern languages along with Malayalam. The Movie is set to be released in 2021. So here we will talk about Shero 2021 cast&crew, movie details, star cast, release date, and much more about the movie

Shero Cast & Crew

Director- Sreejith Vijayan

Producer- Ansari and Ravi Khan

Writer- Sreejith Vijayan

Star Cast- Sunny Leone

Genre- Psychological Thriller Drama


Screenplay- Sreejith Vijayan


Story- Sreejith Vijayan

Distributed by-




Acton Director-


Executive Producer-



Costume Designer-

Publicity Pro-

Background Music-

Production Company- IKIGAI Motion Pictures

Release Date- 2021


Ott Platform-

Language- Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam

Shooting Location- India


Shero Movie Story

Shero 2021 is a Bollywood Psychological drama movie. Sunny Leone will be seen as the lead lady.

Shero Movie Teaser

Shero Movie Trailer

Shero Movie PosterShero Movie Poster

Shero Movie Release Date

Shero Movie Box Office Collection